I have had lots of people ask me this question lately, so I thought I'd take a second to explain what I'll be doing next year. In January, I will fly to Tenerife (this is where the ship has its annual maintenance work done) and board the Africa Mercy, the world's largest charity hospital ship. From there we will sail to Togo, West Africa. Once we get there, we'll be docked in Togo for about 6 months. During my time in Togo, I will be living and working on the Africa Mercy. This ship was built specifically to function as a hospital and has six state of the art operating rooms, intensive care and ward bed space for up to 78 patients. I will primarily be taking care of pediatric patients who are recovering from surgery, but will most likely also care for some adult patients as well (Flexibility is important when it comes to missions!) Then sometime around August, we will sail down to South Africa for our next outreach....
So, during my last two months in Phoenix, besides working and fundraising, I am trying to prepare for the drastic changes I will experience when I get to Africa. Obviously things are going to be a lot different working with Mercy Ships...I will be taking care of patients who don't speak English...many of the people in West Africa speak French, so I'm working on learning a little French so that I can communicate with my patients. Otherwise, there are interpreters to help us out, but that is never as personable as speaking directly to the patients, which is what I prefer!
I'll also be living on a ship...tighter spaces (I will probably have at least 4 roommates!) and less alone time...there are about 400 volunteers from over 30 different countries that volunteer on the ship at any given time....so there is a huge range of cultures, languages, and personalities.
So, there is obviously a lot of preparing to do to serve on the ship...not just packing and fundraising, but preparing mentally and spiritually....A friend recently asked me what I thought God wanted to teach me during my time back home...I thought about it and prayed about it and decided that it was for patience and learning to be a servant....God is teaching me to be patient with people and with His timing for my life...and He's teaching me that it's not about me, but it's all about Him and how I can serve Him by serving others...there are so many needs wherever we are...there are hurting people everywhere and God wants us to have His eyes and His heart to see them and their hurt so that we can reach out to them.
The other day I was reminded of these words from a favorite song of mine:
Give me your eyes for just one second, give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing, give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the brokenhearted, those that are far beyond my reach
Give your eyes for the ones forgotten, Give me your eyes so I can see. (Brandon Heath)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Home again
Well, time has flown by and I am finally home again. We had a great last few days in the D.R., a few last visits to the patients we were following up with, and many hugs and goodbyes with the kids. Our last night, we walked back to the hotel from dinner to find a bunch of candles and singing kids outside. Some of the kids from Aguas Negras, along with Sandra (who we call the Mother Teresa of the D.R.) came to express their gratitude for Mercy Ships and the lives that have been touched over the years (Mercy Ships has been taking groups to the Dominican Republic consistently for over 6 years). It was great to see all of the relationships that had been built over the years and hear about the lives that had been touched and just to be a small part of that.
We all traveled back for debrief...all except one of us. One of the members of our group decided he wanted to stay two more weeks to continue on with some needed projects in the community and to travel a little bit in the D.R. and Haiti. It was a little wierd leaving him behind, but I know God will continue to work through him as he is there. After reflecting on our trip and sharing lots of stories, pictures, and answers to prayer, we all packed up and said goodbye. Theo (my new 7-year old "little brother") came out to my car as I was packing up and put his arms around me and started crying, saying that he didn't want me to leave. It was really sweet. It's amazing how much everyone has become like a family to me...We all bonded so much and got really close...We really had an amazing team!
We all traveled back for debrief...all except one of us. One of the members of our group decided he wanted to stay two more weeks to continue on with some needed projects in the community and to travel a little bit in the D.R. and Haiti. It was a little wierd leaving him behind, but I know God will continue to work through him as he is there. After reflecting on our trip and sharing lots of stories, pictures, and answers to prayer, we all packed up and said goodbye. Theo (my new 7-year old "little brother") came out to my car as I was packing up and put his arms around me and started crying, saying that he didn't want me to leave. It was really sweet. It's amazing how much everyone has become like a family to me...We all bonded so much and got really close...We really had an amazing team!
Friday, October 30, 2009
More fun & work
Well, this has been another great work week...we were able to finish with the foundation of the dining room and started putting up the walls...Sharon and I had fun with that part! I really love our team...everyone works so hard and works so well together! There has been a good balance between doing the hard labor, visiting patients with medical needs that we have been able to treat, and spending time with various families...we also had a soccer game on friday with some of the domincan guys...wanna guess who won that one...ya, we ended up buying them all sodas afterwards...
A few of our work team after a long day
This weekend, I get to visit my friend Julia out in Santiago and spend time with her and some of her young life kids....I'm excited to catch up with her! I met her 2 years ago when I came to the DR with our high school kids from Scottsdale Bible....After this weekend, we'll just have a few days left in the DR...but I'm excited to see everyone back home...I'll post some more pics when I get back! Keep us in your prayers!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Life in the DR
Well, things are going well in the Dominican Republic! Our time here is going by really fast! Our main focus this week was working in a school in a village called Villa Ascencion. The majority of the people in the village are Hatian and they are all such amazing people. I have been working on my Creole vocabulary, as that is their main language...the majority speak some Spanish too, so that has come in handy. I had the opportunity to spend time in some of their homes, which was quite an experience. The people in the village are poor, but they are also very warmhearted and hospitable.
The kids here are so beautiful!
Me and my chicas
The majority of our time this week has been spent in a school run by a Christian organization called Kids Alive. It`s an after-school program for kids where they reinforce learning and teach them about God & the Bible...We spend a small part of the day in the classrooms doing skits, songs & crafts with the kids and the rest of the day has been spent on work projects. The main work project we are doing is extending their cafeteria which barely fits all the kids right now. Once the cafeteria is bigger, they will also be able to have more students in the program. So, needless to say, we were really tired by the end of the week after digging, mixing concrete, and hauling tons of wheelbarrows....it has been a lot of fun at the same time though and everyone has shown great team work.
One thing I really like about our trip is that our leaders have emphasized the importance of relationships and showing the love of Christ to the people....so they have given us freedom to follow God`s leading in our work days....if we have a specific person that invites us over or if we want to do a prayer walk through the village, we can. They recognize that the relationship aspect of ministry is just as important in leaving an impact as the physical work we do in the town. So, I took advantage of this on Friday and spent the afternoon at Tania`s house...she is a 17-year old girl that my friend Rachel and I met...She is a lot of fun, yet very broken at the same time...she has a 6 month old baby and the father stopped talking to her after she got pregnant....I tried to speak words of encouragement and hope into her life as we talked...it is obvious that she has a very low self-esteem, as is the case with many of the women here. Please pray that God continues to use me as a light in her life.
After our long week, we headed out yesterday for a relaxing day on the beach. The beach was beautiful and we had a good time swimming in the water and riding the banana boat...the typical beach activities....but one thing that really struck us was the huge amount of prostitution that was around. It was so sad and made us all sick to see not only women, but little girls with these old European men who had no shame over what they were doing. We were all shocked at how public it was. I had seen things like this before in Thailand, but I never realized it was such a huge problem in the DR. I found out that the DR is actually in the top 3 nations for the ratio of HIV positive people in the population.
My friend Annie and I were sitting there on the beach as some of the trafficking was unfolding before our eyes and decided to pray. We were definitely reminded of the spiritual warfare that we talked about during our Gateway training. Today, our whole group had a discussion time about the issue and had a time of prayer for the girls involved and the rampant problem in the country.
Another thing that really hit me this week was the poverty of the people and the conditions they end up in when it rains here. I have seen flooding in the US, but never anything like what we saw wednesday night...It started raining really hard and we had to go pick up some of our team in a place called Aguas Negras (this literally means black waters...I understand why they call it that now!) Even though our leader was driving an SUV, we nearly got stuck in the water...it was so deep that the motorcycles were half covered and barely getting through...the water comes up to the level of the houses and floods inside...but it`s not just rainwater....it mixes with the sewage, creating more problems with disease and contamination. Families were walking through the dirty waters...it was unlike anything I have ever seen....It`s amazing to me that the people can survive in these conditions....this is part of their normal lives...I couldn`t help but look out at the people wading through the water and pray for them...It is encouraging that in spite of what seems like hopelessness, the community is improving quite a bit. A woman named Sandra that Mercy Ships works with has a ministry where they build houses for needy families...the houses are higher up so that they won`t flood during the heavy rains...We were able to walk around this town and see several of the houses on our first day. I know they still have a long way to go, but it is great to see the progress taking place in the community.
On a more positive note, things are going really well with our team as a whole...there is a great sense of unity and everyone gets along well and works well together....We have a really great group and we have all been having a lot of fun together. The kids are amazing...I love the way they just latch onto us...There are several little girls that I`ve already bonded with...you can tell that many of them are starved for love and affection...it is a lot of fun to love on them.
This next week we`ll be working with the same school in Villa Ascencion with the work projects and doing some more things in the classrooms...please keep us in your prayers..thanks!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
discovering our purpose
One of the big things we have been studying this week is purpose. Sometimes it's a little intimidating to ask those big questions.... what is my purpose in life?...where am I now, how did I get here, and where am I going?...these are some of the things we've been discussing...For the most part, feel like I have a pretty good understanding of God's purpose for my life...at least for the season I am in right now...But it's good to be challenged and forced to answer the hard questions...Because if we don't understand our purpose we will just "float through life" (no pun intended :) without any direction....and I definitely want to live up to all the potential God has for me! So, it was great to spend some time this week discussing purpose and studying how we can use our gifts and strengths to be most effective in the kingdom of God!
I was reminded this week of old song that says:
"Could it be that He is only waiting here to see if I will learn to love the dreams that He has dreamed for me
Can't imagine what the future holds, but I've already made my choice. And this is where I'll stand until He moves me on and I will listen to His voice"
God never ceases to amaze me at how He is so good at orchestrating all the events in our lives...He is aware of everything that we need and has such a perfect plan for each of us if we will just be willing and obedient in following Him...I can't say that I have always been obedient, but He has still been so faithful and hasn't given up on me....He never lets go of us and the dreams he has for us...Lord, let us learn to dream those same dreams that You have for us!
I was reminded this week of old song that says:
"Could it be that He is only waiting here to see if I will learn to love the dreams that He has dreamed for me
Can't imagine what the future holds, but I've already made my choice. And this is where I'll stand until He moves me on and I will listen to His voice"
God never ceases to amaze me at how He is so good at orchestrating all the events in our lives...He is aware of everything that we need and has such a perfect plan for each of us if we will just be willing and obedient in following Him...I can't say that I have always been obedient, but He has still been so faithful and hasn't given up on me....He never lets go of us and the dreams he has for us...Lord, let us learn to dream those same dreams that You have for us!
Monday, July 13, 2009
NYC in Thailand
So I finally decided what Thailand reminds me of...well, at least Bangkok does anyway...New York City! It just dawned on me today...there are so many similarities...faster pace of life, crowded streets, tons of taxis, lots of people everywhere, subways, and people from a variety of different countries...Just today I met people from Germany, China, Hong Kong, England, Sweden, Italy, and of course Thailand :) It's crazy...but that is one nice thing about being in a tourist-packed place!
So I have to catch you all up on the last few days...I got to spend some time with the kids at the children's home that Terra works with during my last few days in Mae Ton...we got to share a little devotional with them one night and play games, then did another game time on Saturday morning (we also taught them a dance...that was really fun!). Then sunday we got to help teach sunday school and spend some more time with the kids before heading out...so that was a lot of fun! The kids were so much fun!
We also got to visit another place where a bunch of the kids from Agape are living on our way back to Mae Sot, which was awesome because I really wanted to see as many of the kids as possible! There were about five girls there and three of the boys...they have all gotten so big and it was so great to hang out with them for a little while before going back to Mae Sot.
So we had dinner at a Thai BBQ where you cook your own food so that was quite an experience....it was awesome too because it was all locals (aside from us that is!)...I always like avoiding the tourist attractions if I can help it!
Anyway, I took the night bus from Mae Sot and then spent my last day in Bangkok! It was a very long, but fun day! I went to the Grand Palace, the Wat Pho (one of the temples...beautiful not really my thing to go look at a ton of statues of Buddha), and the MBK (probably the biggest mall in Thailand)! It was all very fun but exhausting! I also got to meet up with one of the girls from Agape who now lives in Bangkok! She is 17 so she has been working here...We met up for dinner and I got to take her to the Siam Center...she had her first experience on an elevator...it was so cute! She told me she was a little bit scared and was holding onto my arm...what a cutie pie!
So, I've been awake since my bus arrived this morning at 4:30 am and I've now officially been awake for over 21 hours so I think it's time to check out....I'll be off on my plane tomorrow and hopefully sleeping the whole way home! :) Goodbye
Friday, July 10, 2009
Back in Mae Ton
Today we got to see the kids at the Hoi Bong School where I taught with Andrea last year when I was here. We were really excited to see a bunch of girls from Agape and got to hang out with them for a few hours! It was great to catch up! They are such sweet girls!

If you ever want to feel like royalty, just take a trip to Thailand and go to this restaurant, "Khao Mao Khao Fang". There's waterfalls and nature all around you and the servers pretty much stand by your table waiting for your beckon call :) You also get all this for the very low price of about $5-6/person. Andrea and I were willing to spend the big bucks to treat Teep and Terra to dinner :) They hadn't been to that restaurant for over a year, so it was fun for all of us to get the chance to go!

If you ever want to feel like royalty, just take a trip to Thailand and go to this restaurant, "Khao Mao Khao Fang". There's waterfalls and nature all around you and the servers pretty much stand by your table waiting for your beckon call :) You also get all this for the very low price of about $5-6/person. Andrea and I were willing to spend the big bucks to treat Teep and Terra to dinner :) They hadn't been to that restaurant for over a year, so it was fun for all of us to get the chance to go!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tiger Time at Chiang Mai
Well today was a really fun day! Andrea and I headed up to Chiang Mai to go to the Tiger Kingdom...they just opened it last year, so I didn't get to go the last time I was in Thailand. On the way to the bus station, Terra and Teep (our friends who live here in Thailand) told us that a girl got bit in the butt by one of the tigers earlier this year...so that wasn't very reassuring, but I was still excited to go...The tiger kingdom is a lot of fun...Basically you choose which tigers you want to go in and see...First, Andrea and I went to see the baby tigers...they were a couple months old and were basically like big cats...it's fun because they let you lay your head on their stomach and take pictures. One even crawled on my lap and put it's head on my leg like it wanted to take a little nap...it was so cute. We had fun with the babies and right as we were about to leave, another girl who was in there with us got pooped on by one of the tigers! It was hilarious! She was freaking out and we were just laughing...thankful that it didn't happen to us!

Later, we went to see the big tigers...The trainers told us that they weigh over 100 kilos (more than 200 pounds)...it made me a little bit nervous being in there with those huge tigers, petting them and taking pictures with them when you know they could bite you or attack you...they were all pretty mellow, but if they get playful, they don't know any better. It was funny because one of the guys that took us in to see them had scratches on his arm. We asked if it was from the tigers and he said yes. Then we asked if they ever bit him and he said "oh yes, many times! But they are just playing so they don't know any better. You can't blame them." That was pretty reassuring. What makes you feel the most comfortable is that all they carry around in there are these small sticks...I was thinking "yeah, right. If the tiger attacked anyone, there's no way that stick is gonna do anything." But even though Andrea and I were both a tiny bit nervous, I figured we'd be fine..I really wanted to play with them and lay down on their stomachs like the ilttle ones but I didn't want to take my chances, so we were a little more careful with them.

After getting back from the Tiger Village, I came back and took a nap while Andrea went out for dinner. I was feeling really tired and a little sick and just needed a nap...whenever we go to Mexico, they always say "Don't drink the water" but I didn't obey that rule earlier when we were out to eat. They served the water in a pitcher with the food and I've drank it like that a few times before and been fine, but this time, it really hit me hard and made me sick. After taking a nap I felt a lot better though and had enough energy to go out to the night bazaar with Andrea. The night bazaar is a pretty crazy place. Al the action starts around 7pm...and all these people set up their little stands on the side of the road selling all kinds of different fun souveniors....There are lots of foreigners and it's a big tourist attraction. It's fun to look at the different Thai stuff and barter a little...and of course, shopping is always fun in general..especially with a friend! So Andrea and I had a really good time and found some fun stuff...and even found some mango sticky rice (which is our favorite). Tomorrow we'll head back to Mae Sot to see Teep and Terra and then friday we'll head to the school where we used to teach to see the kids! It should be a lot of fun!
After getting back from the Tiger Village, I came back and took a nap while Andrea went out for dinner. I was feeling really tired and a little sick and just needed a nap...whenever we go to Mexico, they always say "Don't drink the water" but I didn't obey that rule earlier when we were out to eat. They served the water in a pitcher with the food and I've drank it like that a few times before and been fine, but this time, it really hit me hard and made me sick. After taking a nap I felt a lot better though and had enough energy to go out to the night bazaar with Andrea. The night bazaar is a pretty crazy place. Al the action starts around 7pm...and all these people set up their little stands on the side of the road selling all kinds of different fun souveniors....There are lots of foreigners and it's a big tourist attraction. It's fun to look at the different Thai stuff and barter a little...and of course, shopping is always fun in general..especially with a friend! So Andrea and I had a really good time and found some fun stuff...and even found some mango sticky rice (which is our favorite). Tomorrow we'll head back to Mae Sot to see Teep and Terra and then friday we'll head to the school where we used to teach to see the kids! It should be a lot of fun!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Well, the last two days have been filled with little reunions with old friends here in Thailand. Yesterday, we spent the day with two teachers who taught with us at the Hoi Bong school near Mae Sot last year. It was great to see them again and share memories. They are so sweet. The one I was closest with was Cru Ham, who used to take Andrea and I out to lunch almost every day after school. She was a sweetheart and liked to give us rides on her motorbike all the time. It was great to see her and help her brush up on her English....she has forgotten a lot just like I forgot a lot of Thai...guess it's true what they say: "if you don't use it, you lose it." I feel like more Thai has been coming back to me though, especially what I understand. Anyway, we had a fun day with the teachers. We went to lunch with them and then spent some time in Mae Sot before they had to go. I think we'll see Cru Ham again at the school on Friday.
Then today we had another fun little reunion with some of the kids. We spent the morning hanging out with Teep and Terra on their cute little balcony at their house in Mae Ton. They have an awesome view of the mountains...everything is so green here too! So it was nice to have a relaxing morning and just hang out with them and catch up a little!
In the afternoon, Yupapon arrived in town and came over to see us. She is one of my favorite girls. She was one of the girls from Agape who Andrea now sponsors to go to college. It's so crazy to me how much she has grown up and how much she has matured in just a year. I'm sure college has played a huge part in that. She is 20 years old now, which is so crazy to me. She was always like a mom to the kids at Agape and made sure they were taken care of....so now she is in college to be a teacher! Her English is pretty good too so it was awesome to catch up with her and see her!
By late afternoon, I was feeling a little disappointed because a few of the other kids had planned on coming and since they don't have phones, there was no way to communicate with them and find out why they still weren't there. Terra said it looked like they weren't coming after all! I was really disappointed because a huge part of making this trip was to see some of the kids from last year!
So, we were all surprised when finally around 6, they all showed up (they were supposed to come at noon!)...We found out that Samu had forgotten a key that he needed to get for the motorbike (they had to walk really far then take the motorbike to our town). So he had to run back 20 kilometers to get it....So that made for a total of more than 40 kilometers walking/running...he told us the story of what happened and said that he realized that he had forgotten it and thought "I want to cry." Poor guy! I was so glad they had made it and it was so great to see them! We all stayed up late playing cards and checkers and other games. I had brought a bunch of nailpolish to paint the girls' nails so we did little manicures and pedicures which was a lot of fun! It's so crazy to me how much the kids have grown up! Samu is now 16 and it looks like he shot up at least 6 inches in the last year!
Anyway, we had a really fun time with the kids and it made me so happy to see them and see how much they've grown and matured both physically and spiritually in the last year! We should have some more fun reunions on Friday with the kids at Hoi Bong School! I can't wait!
Then today we had another fun little reunion with some of the kids. We spent the morning hanging out with Teep and Terra on their cute little balcony at their house in Mae Ton. They have an awesome view of the mountains...everything is so green here too! So it was nice to have a relaxing morning and just hang out with them and catch up a little!
In the afternoon, Yupapon arrived in town and came over to see us. She is one of my favorite girls. She was one of the girls from Agape who Andrea now sponsors to go to college. It's so crazy to me how much she has grown up and how much she has matured in just a year. I'm sure college has played a huge part in that. She is 20 years old now, which is so crazy to me. She was always like a mom to the kids at Agape and made sure they were taken care of....so now she is in college to be a teacher! Her English is pretty good too so it was awesome to catch up with her and see her!
By late afternoon, I was feeling a little disappointed because a few of the other kids had planned on coming and since they don't have phones, there was no way to communicate with them and find out why they still weren't there. Terra said it looked like they weren't coming after all! I was really disappointed because a huge part of making this trip was to see some of the kids from last year!
So, we were all surprised when finally around 6, they all showed up (they were supposed to come at noon!)...We found out that Samu had forgotten a key that he needed to get for the motorbike (they had to walk really far then take the motorbike to our town). So he had to run back 20 kilometers to get it....So that made for a total of more than 40 kilometers walking/running...he told us the story of what happened and said that he realized that he had forgotten it and thought "I want to cry." Poor guy! I was so glad they had made it and it was so great to see them! We all stayed up late playing cards and checkers and other games. I had brought a bunch of nailpolish to paint the girls' nails so we did little manicures and pedicures which was a lot of fun! It's so crazy to me how much the kids have grown up! Samu is now 16 and it looks like he shot up at least 6 inches in the last year!
Anyway, we had a really fun time with the kids and it made me so happy to see them and see how much they've grown and matured both physically and spiritually in the last year! We should have some more fun reunions on Friday with the kids at Hoi Bong School! I can't wait!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
4th of July on the Beach
Well, there's always something different about celebrating the 4th of July in a foreign country...it's just not quite the same as being in America...So I told Andrea we would have to at least go to the beach since I associate 4th of July with being at the beach (maybe just from growing up in California...I don't know...I just like being by the water for the holidays)...So we headed for Pattaya Beach today. It was interesting getting there at first but ended up being a fun day...
We decided we would take one of the minivans from the airport (they travel to Pattaya every couple hours)...But when we got to the airport, they told us they didn't have any minivans going...just a bus...we went to the counter to get our bus tickets but no one was there to help us..just a sign that said "Pattaya." It was still another hour an a half before the next bus would leave anyway. We went up to the counter just as a group of three others were going up...So, since there were 5 of us standing together, we were all of a sudden bombarded with all these drivers telling us they could take 5 and quoting us prices...we bartered with them for a good price and the other 3 people (who were from Indonesia) decided they would be in on the deal too, so we started walking out with this driver....
Well, he takes us all the way to the parking garage and opens the door to his taxi...We all looked at each other with confused looks on our faces and were like "No, where is the minivan" to which he replied "we take taxi"....Ha ha, ya right....there was no way we were paying more money than the bus to be crammed into a little taxi with 4 people in the backseat...Thankfully he didn't give us a hard time about it and just gave us our money back...So, we went back in for the bus and ended up getting on one that was leaving earlier than expected! So it all worked out in the end.
Once we got to Pattaya, we decided to just walk down to the beach instead of taking a taxi..It was a nice day and it felt good to go for a walk...As we were walking along, Andrea was like "You know, we should get a massage while we're here...maybe we can find a place" and as the words were out of her mouth, we turned the corner and there was "Health World"...this really big spa...It was perfect timing...I was like "Andrea, it must be a sign. Let's go in here" so we went in and ended up getting an hour and a half aromatherapy massage! One awesome thing about Thailand is that everything is super cheap...Andrea and I never go to the spa back in the states so every time we come to Thailand, we decided we have to have one little pampering day to get massages at the day spa..it's our splurge day....which is funny of course because Thai prices are still ten times cheaper than the states! Anyway, it felt really nice after my 27 hours of traveling the day before and way too much time in the same position sitting on an airplane!
After our massages, we went to a little Indian restaraunt and got some lunch...we had Thai food for breakfast so we figured we'd try something else since we have the rest of our trip to eat Thai food...Then we headed down to the beach and layed out and relaxed...It was really nice...We stayed until sunset and then headed over to the shops to do some shopping...which wasn't too successful for me...Andrea found a cute dress though and I enjoyed seeing all the stuff they had at the little shops...
While we were walking along, we came to Hard Rock Cafe where they were having a little 4th of July celebration...So we took a picture with their little statue of liberty and proceeded on singing "And I'm proud to be an American"...yes, we are dorks..and we're not ashamed of it...I know people probably don't think we're very patriotic since we leave our own country for independence day but really we're here helping the rest of the world see how wonderful Americans really can be :)
After awhile, we went back over to this place where it had looked like they were doing karaoke...it turned out to just be a live band with a singer who liked going out into the crowd, but it was fun to go back and enjoy the music...There were a couple people dancing, so I decided to take the opportunity to try to teach Andrea some swing dancing and we danced a little...it was fun....Andrea and I have decided that we can make fools of ourselves singing in the street and dancing around because we're in a foreign country and we're never gonna see these people again (that's what she tells me anyway....there will probably be a YouTube video of us singing on the street by the end of the week ha ha)...I'm having so much fun traveling with her though because we can just be goofy together and we don't think anything of it...not to mention we are both last minute and spontaneous so we just decide what we're doing as we go along and it all works out....
So we didn't see any fireworks today or hear the national anthem (although I'm sure people would've appreciated it if we'd sung that one as we were walking down the street!) but we had a really fun time...and how many time can you say that you celebrated 4th of July in Thailand...it's probably a once in a lifetime thing so we thought we'd make the most of it! Tomorrow we leave Bangkok and will head up to Mae Sot to stay with Terra and Teep and see the kids! It should be a fun week!
We decided we would take one of the minivans from the airport (they travel to Pattaya every couple hours)...But when we got to the airport, they told us they didn't have any minivans going...just a bus...we went to the counter to get our bus tickets but no one was there to help us..just a sign that said "Pattaya." It was still another hour an a half before the next bus would leave anyway. We went up to the counter just as a group of three others were going up...So, since there were 5 of us standing together, we were all of a sudden bombarded with all these drivers telling us they could take 5 and quoting us prices...we bartered with them for a good price and the other 3 people (who were from Indonesia) decided they would be in on the deal too, so we started walking out with this driver....
Well, he takes us all the way to the parking garage and opens the door to his taxi...We all looked at each other with confused looks on our faces and were like "No, where is the minivan" to which he replied "we take taxi"....Ha ha, ya right....there was no way we were paying more money than the bus to be crammed into a little taxi with 4 people in the backseat...Thankfully he didn't give us a hard time about it and just gave us our money back...So, we went back in for the bus and ended up getting on one that was leaving earlier than expected! So it all worked out in the end.
Once we got to Pattaya, we decided to just walk down to the beach instead of taking a taxi..It was a nice day and it felt good to go for a walk...As we were walking along, Andrea was like "You know, we should get a massage while we're here...maybe we can find a place" and as the words were out of her mouth, we turned the corner and there was "Health World"...this really big spa...It was perfect timing...I was like "Andrea, it must be a sign. Let's go in here" so we went in and ended up getting an hour and a half aromatherapy massage! One awesome thing about Thailand is that everything is super cheap...Andrea and I never go to the spa back in the states so every time we come to Thailand, we decided we have to have one little pampering day to get massages at the day spa..it's our splurge day....which is funny of course because Thai prices are still ten times cheaper than the states! Anyway, it felt really nice after my 27 hours of traveling the day before and way too much time in the same position sitting on an airplane!
After our massages, we went to a little Indian restaraunt and got some lunch...we had Thai food for breakfast so we figured we'd try something else since we have the rest of our trip to eat Thai food...Then we headed down to the beach and layed out and relaxed...It was really nice...We stayed until sunset and then headed over to the shops to do some shopping...which wasn't too successful for me...Andrea found a cute dress though and I enjoyed seeing all the stuff they had at the little shops...
While we were walking along, we came to Hard Rock Cafe where they were having a little 4th of July celebration...So we took a picture with their little statue of liberty and proceeded on singing "And I'm proud to be an American"...yes, we are dorks..and we're not ashamed of it...I know people probably don't think we're very patriotic since we leave our own country for independence day but really we're here helping the rest of the world see how wonderful Americans really can be :)
After awhile, we went back over to this place where it had looked like they were doing karaoke...it turned out to just be a live band with a singer who liked going out into the crowd, but it was fun to go back and enjoy the music...There were a couple people dancing, so I decided to take the opportunity to try to teach Andrea some swing dancing and we danced a little...it was fun....Andrea and I have decided that we can make fools of ourselves singing in the street and dancing around because we're in a foreign country and we're never gonna see these people again (that's what she tells me anyway....there will probably be a YouTube video of us singing on the street by the end of the week ha ha)...I'm having so much fun traveling with her though because we can just be goofy together and we don't think anything of it...not to mention we are both last minute and spontaneous so we just decide what we're doing as we go along and it all works out....
So we didn't see any fireworks today or hear the national anthem (although I'm sure people would've appreciated it if we'd sung that one as we were walking down the street!) but we had a really fun time...and how many time can you say that you celebrated 4th of July in Thailand...it's probably a once in a lifetime thing so we thought we'd make the most of it! Tomorrow we leave Bangkok and will head up to Mae Sot to stay with Terra and Teep and see the kids! It should be a fun week!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Up, Up and Away
Well, I am finally in Thailand after 27 hours of traveling...it was exhausting but not as bad as I thought....I flew from Phoenix to Los Angeles to Taipei to Bangkok and met lots of fun people along the way. The flight from LA to Taipei was the longest...13 1/2 hours...So I felt very blessed and fortunate that despite the fact that the plane was really packed, there ended up being an empty seat between me and the other lady in my row. So, we were very excited to have some extra space which helped me not to feel closterphobic. The lady in my row was named Debbie and ended up being from Arizona too...not only that, she was also a nurse and was going to Taiwan to teach the Taiwanese nurses in a nurse practitioners program. So we had a lot to talk about...nurses just always seem to have a special bond...we understand each other in a way that no one else understands us....so it was fun to share different stories about working in the hospital and working overseas with medical missions....and it was great hearing her stories too about how nursing has changed and what it used to be like (she's been a nurse for 25 years so it was a lot different back then)!
The flight went well and when we landed in Taipei, I met a group of people from San Diego. It was their first time going to Thailand so I thought I'd fill them in on places to go and things to see...I also met a guy from Holland and got to talk to him about my travels to Amsterdam on my trip back from Kenya...it is always nice having something familiar to talk about when you're out of the country...especially traveling alone...not to mention, I love talking to International people...especially when they have fun accents!
Anyway, the rest of my travel time was uneventful until I got to my taxi in Bangkok....I had been a little nervous about taking a taxi to the hotel where Andrea was staying because I wasn't sure how much Thai I was going to remember and since my flight got in so late (we didn't land until about 1am), Andrea was already gonna be at the hotel sleeping and I was just gonna meet her there...So traveling by taxi in Thailand at 1:30 in the morning with my broken Thai (which was even worse because I was so tired) made me a little nervous...So I said a prayer that I would be safe and headed out of the airport...
So the taxi drivers are all lined up and you have to take the one at the front of the line, right...Well, we get in the taxi and the driver is looking at the map to the hotel (it was even printed in Thai!) and he had a confused look on his face...he was like "I don't know." So, lesson #1: If your taxi driver doesn't know where he's going, get out right then and there! I was about to get out and tell him I'd take another taxi, but I felt bad and he was already starting to drive, so I just said a prayer and we started off....
The hotel we were staying at was supposed to be right by the airport...well, about 20 minutes later, we are still driving...and lost...not a good way to start...especially when it's 2 in the morning! I was getting frustrated with how little I was able to communicate with him...A little bit of Thai was coming back to me, but I had to keep looking phrases up in my little Thai book...not to mention I was tired and just wanted to get to the hotel and get to bed...So, finally he stops to ask directions...don't know why that took so long...maybe because he was a guy :) So he asked another taxi driver on the side of the road and then told me he knew where he was going..we started driving and about 5 minutes later he stopped again and asked some cops on the side of the road (at least he was learning to ask for directions)...Finally about 40 minutes (maybe longer, I wasn't paying too much attention) we finally got to the place...thankfully taxis are cheap in Thailand...it was only about $10 for the ride...I was just thankful I had finally made it...
It was great to see Andrea...we were both excited to share travel stories and ended up staying up for another hour talking....It was almost like deja vu...Being back in Bangkok with Andrea all over again...I can already tell this is gonna be a fun trip!
The flight went well and when we landed in Taipei, I met a group of people from San Diego. It was their first time going to Thailand so I thought I'd fill them in on places to go and things to see...I also met a guy from Holland and got to talk to him about my travels to Amsterdam on my trip back from Kenya...it is always nice having something familiar to talk about when you're out of the country...especially traveling alone...not to mention, I love talking to International people...especially when they have fun accents!
Anyway, the rest of my travel time was uneventful until I got to my taxi in Bangkok....I had been a little nervous about taking a taxi to the hotel where Andrea was staying because I wasn't sure how much Thai I was going to remember and since my flight got in so late (we didn't land until about 1am), Andrea was already gonna be at the hotel sleeping and I was just gonna meet her there...So traveling by taxi in Thailand at 1:30 in the morning with my broken Thai (which was even worse because I was so tired) made me a little nervous...So I said a prayer that I would be safe and headed out of the airport...
So the taxi drivers are all lined up and you have to take the one at the front of the line, right...Well, we get in the taxi and the driver is looking at the map to the hotel (it was even printed in Thai!) and he had a confused look on his face...he was like "I don't know." So, lesson #1: If your taxi driver doesn't know where he's going, get out right then and there! I was about to get out and tell him I'd take another taxi, but I felt bad and he was already starting to drive, so I just said a prayer and we started off....
The hotel we were staying at was supposed to be right by the airport...well, about 20 minutes later, we are still driving...and lost...not a good way to start...especially when it's 2 in the morning! I was getting frustrated with how little I was able to communicate with him...A little bit of Thai was coming back to me, but I had to keep looking phrases up in my little Thai book...not to mention I was tired and just wanted to get to the hotel and get to bed...So, finally he stops to ask directions...don't know why that took so long...maybe because he was a guy :) So he asked another taxi driver on the side of the road and then told me he knew where he was going..we started driving and about 5 minutes later he stopped again and asked some cops on the side of the road (at least he was learning to ask for directions)...Finally about 40 minutes (maybe longer, I wasn't paying too much attention) we finally got to the place...thankfully taxis are cheap in Thailand...it was only about $10 for the ride...I was just thankful I had finally made it...
It was great to see Andrea...we were both excited to share travel stories and ended up staying up for another hour talking....It was almost like deja vu...Being back in Bangkok with Andrea all over again...I can already tell this is gonna be a fun trip!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Return to Thailand
So it's obviously been awhile since I've written on my blog...I haven't been on any international trips aside from Mexico in the last year, but an opportunity to return to Thailand came up so I decided to finally pick back up on my blog. I wasn't planning on going anywhere out of the country this summer but about two months ago, I was talking to my friend Andrea who taught English with me last year in Thailand. She mentioned that she wanted to go back to Thailand this summer and told me the dates she was planning her trip. I had hoped it would work out for me to go, but wasn't sure if it would really happen...But I thought I'd ask off work during those dates just in case. So, I saved up some money but kept debating whether or not I should go because of some other things that were going on. About two weeks ago, I got my schedule from work and saw that they'd given me the full two weeks off! So, I checked the prices for tickets to Thailand but they were significantly more than the last time I had flown to Thailand and I hadn't planned on paying so much. So I was really dreading telling Andrea that I couldn't come...I put it off for awhile because I knew she really wanted me to go. Finally, about a week later (exactly one week before the day my planned departure date) I got online and was about to email her that I couldn't come. But, there was something inside me that felt like I should go. So I told God, "Ok, here's the deal...If I can get a ticket under $800, then I'm going." I don't suggest playing the Make a Deal with God game, but God was gracious and heard me and the very first site I went on to check, there was a ticket for $798 (including tax)...I just laughed and was like "Wow, God...Two bucks under...you do have a sense of humor." It was crazy to me that I found one for that price because it had dropped about $400 in a matter of a few days. So, I bought the ticket a week before my flight left and now I'm off to Thailand. I decided to post about my trip on my blog even though it's not exactly a missions trip...The last time I came to Thailand, I cam so I could help with a medical clinic and teach English with my friend Andrea and help at the children's home where she was working....This time we don't have much of an agenda aside from going back to see the kids that we worked with and visit our friend Terra who is now married to a Thai man named Teep (Terra is from California and also worked at the Agape Children's Home). So, we're hoping to spend some time with the kids, see the teachers we taught with, and enjoy the culture of Thailand all over again...but mainly we came to have an adventure! So off I go to Thailand....you're welcome to join me for the ride! :)
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