Monday, November 9, 2009

Home again

Well, time has flown by and I am finally home again. We had a great last few days in the D.R., a few last visits to the patients we were following up with, and many hugs and goodbyes with the kids. Our last night, we walked back to the hotel from dinner to find a bunch of candles and singing kids outside. Some of the kids from Aguas Negras, along with Sandra (who we call the Mother Teresa of the D.R.) came to express their gratitude for Mercy Ships and the lives that have been touched over the years (Mercy Ships has been taking groups to the Dominican Republic consistently for over 6 years). It was great to see all of the relationships that had been built over the years and hear about the lives that had been touched and just to be a small part of that.

We all traveled back for debrief...all except one of us. One of the members of our group decided he wanted to stay two more weeks to continue on with some needed projects in the community and to travel a little bit in the D.R. and Haiti. It was a little wierd leaving him behind, but I know God will continue to work through him as he is there. After reflecting on our trip and sharing lots of stories, pictures, and answers to prayer, we all packed up and said goodbye. Theo (my new 7-year old "little brother") came out to my car as I was packing up and put his arms around me and started crying, saying that he didn't want me to leave. It was really sweet. It's amazing how much everyone has become like a family to me...We all bonded so much and got really close...We really had an amazing team!

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