Saturday, March 20, 2010

dance party on the ward

What do you do at work on a friday night? In Africa, we have dance parties! So, tonight I worked the evening shift. One of the other nurses called me down to B Ward at about 8:30pm to tell me that a dance party had spontaneously broke out...

I walk down and enter B ward and find a bunch of the mommas singing, clapping, and dancing....the fathers and translators are playing some wooden drums that are kept on the ward, and the children are sitting up in bed with their casts on legs, clapping and smiling and enjoying the fun..

I got sucked into the dancing fun very quickly...the ladies thought it would be fun to make us "true africans" and tied their extra little skirts around us (they keep an extra piece of fabric with them at all times to wear around their other clothes and to tie the babies to their backs) we're dancing and singing and next thing we know, we all have these african skirts around our scrub pants and everyone is cheering for us...the kids are smiling and giving us high fives and thumbs up from their beds...

The ward had really come to life! The dancing and singing went on for at least half an hour...there was the traditional chicken dance and no, I don't mean the American chicken Africa, they do this really interesting dance move with their shoulders that we all think looks like a we call it the chicken dance....there was even a conga line for a little bit! When the dancing finally came to an end, we were all pretty tired...Who says you can't have fun at work! :)

1 comment:

Kassie Anne said...

Oh Becca, that is so funny! And it's perfect for you that they do dancing on the weekends because you would be doing that anyways! :)

I can just see those precious african kids doing a "thumbs up" to you! How sweet and fun!

Did you take any pictures with your scrubs and african skirts! That I'd love to see!!

I love you. And really really miss you!

I'm praying for you right now.