Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter on the ship

Well, it is always interesting facing the holidays when you're not with family...I wasn't really expecting Easter to be anything special this year, but it actually turned out to be a really great time! It started with Good Friday...a bunch of us went down to the pool at a hotel down the street to swim and relax. It was really nice to go with lots of friends from the of the families from the ship even joined us, which made me happy because I got to swim with my little buddy Max. He is 3-years old, full of energy, and has a way of making people smile...probably just because he is so darn cute! Sometimes I really miss my little nephews back home, so it is nice having little kids in floaties to splash around with in the pool!

A few of my friends back in Phoenix decided a few years ago that we should start a tradition and watch the Passion of the Christ every year on Good needless to say, I was really happy when they announced they would be showing it in the International Lounge on the big screen on Friday. It is always a really sobering movie to watch...but I feel like it is always a good reminder of how much Christ went through for our sin...I left feeling so overwhelmed by His love for us...after the movie, I headed to my first shift, so it was a good way to start the weekend...being reminded of God's love for me so that I can pour that love out to others.

I was scheduled to work the night shift all weekend, so I was expecting to be dragging on Easter morning...but I had the pleasant surprise of being called off on Saturday night (I would've been getting off work at 7am on Easter morning), so even though my sleep schedule was a little thrown off from working night shift on Friday night, I was able to enjoy all the festivities on the ship! We had a really nice service with the choir singing...and we even had a special speaker: Congressman Louie Gohmert from Texas...he is a really great Christian man and delivered a really great message on faith and drawing our strength from God.

After the service, we all enjoyed an amazing Easter brunch...the galley and dining room staff did a great job making french toast, eggs benedict, and lots of other yummy treats for us! They even decorated the dining room for us! It definitely made Easter extra special...and even though I couldn't spend the day with my family back in Phoenix, it was great to spend the day with all the people that I love here on the ship! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter...Christos Anesti...He is risen indeed!

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