Monday, April 5, 2010

Angels in the night

Well, the last two weeks I have been working the night shift. Working at night has helped me realize how much of a night person I am...I enjoy the slower pace on night shift and just the general atmosphere in the ward. But, I think my favorite part of the night shift is watching the kids sleep. They look so sweet and peaceful. Sometimes I just can't help but stroke their little heads...they are so are a few of our little angels:

I like to call these cutie pies 'my little angels'...But last night, there really was an angel on the ward...But I wasn't prepared for this one...It was the angel of death.

Vincent was only 39 years old...He had been a patient in Benin last year. But when he became severely ill, he turned to the only place he knew to go...he came to the Africa Mercy. For the last few weeks, Vincent has been going downhill. In fact, a couple weeks ago, we thought we were going to lose him after he had a large arterial bleed.

But, Vincent kept fighting. Yet in spite of all we did to help him, his body was getting weaker, his pain was growing stronger, and his spirit was starting to fade. We all knew that death was just around the corner for Vincent. I didn't ever get to be Vincent's primary nurse since I mostly just care for kids. But I would help the other nurses with him and attempt to talk to him in my broken French.

But, last night when I went in to say hi to Vincent, it was obvious that he was barely hanging on. His eyes were fixed, looking up. His breathing was shallow and his body was as weak as ever. I tried to talk to him and he just kept staring off with a glazed over look on his face. His nurse, Julia, told me that she didn't think he'd make it through the night. So, we went over and laid hands on his emaciated body and began to pray for Vincent.

'Lord, you know the number of our days, so you know the number of Vincent's days. Lord, please bring him home to you in your timing'...That was my prayer...and God answered. At about 5am, Julia called me over again 'I think Vincent has died,' she whispered. I went over to Vincent and was able to get a pulse...the sound of his heart was slow and faint, but it was still there. His breathing had slowed...It was obvious he was fading...So, I turned to Vicky, one of our African translators and asked her if she would sing with me. She chose the song 'Blessed Assurance' and we began to sing.

'Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine..O what a foretaste of glory divine,' we sang...'This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long'...You could sense Vincent fading as we sang...Before we could get to the last line of the song, Vincent had slipped away. The angel of death had come and carried him to the arms of Jesus.

It wasn't the first time I had seen someone die. As a nurse, death is an unfortunate part of my job. But, this was the first time I had been there with someone when it was expected. Vincent was a DNR patient...Do not resuscitate...This wasn't a moment to start CPR or give him medications to bring him back...Part of me struggles with the concept of just letting someone die and doing nothing...It goes against my nature as nurse...But it's what was best for Vincent...and it was his time..God heard my prayer and answered...He took Vincent home...out of pain, out of suffering, and into a glorious plce where he really can 'praise his savior all day long.'

It seemed fitting that Jesus would take Vincent home the day after Easter...we had just spent the weekend being reminded of the Resurrection and the amazing hope that we have because the tomb was empty...the gift of eternal life in heaven because of our risen couldn't have been a better day for Vincent to leave his life of suffering and enter the gates of heaven. Rest in peace, Vincent. Someday, I will see you on the other side where we can praise our Savior together.


Chris M. said...

Wow. Such a raw experience. I'd imagine living in light of such realities as life and death and in such intimate ways has been both a blessing and a burden. I appreciate the way you engaged God in Vincents last days. He was blessed by your being there!

Ann @TheAssetEdge said...

So well written Becca. I'm glad you were able to sing to him, as he passed away. I think that's one of the most tender ways to say goodbye.
Love to you!

kathi said...

oh becca... that is really a difficult but sweet place to be - i'm sure you were a blessing to him.
i love the pics of the sleeping little ones!!
God bless