Well, this has been another great work week...we were able to finish with the foundation of the dining room and started putting up the walls...Sharon and I had fun with that part! I really love our team...everyone works so hard and works so well together! There has been a good balance between doing the hard labor, visiting patients with medical needs that we have been able to treat, and spending time with various families...we also had a soccer game on friday with some of the domincan guys...wanna guess who won that one...ya, we ended up buying them all sodas afterwards...
A few of our work team after a long day
This weekend, I get to visit my friend Julia out in Santiago and spend time with her and some of her young life kids....I'm excited to catch up with her! I met her 2 years ago when I came to the DR with our high school kids from Scottsdale Bible....After this weekend, we'll just have a few days left in the DR...but I'm excited to see everyone back home...I'll post some more pics when I get back! Keep us in your prayers!