Saturday, June 30, 2012

My little munchkins

While it is never a good thing to have favorites, there are always a few kids that just melt your heart. They somehow gain a special place in your heart, especially when you care for them shift after shift! Two of these little munchkins were Chara and Maurice. Their surgeries were fairly complex and both of them experienced post-operative complications, leading to a longer hospitalization. But our little champs hung in there and improved over the weeks. Most days, Maurice was snugly tucked away in the corner with his momma, sleeping or eating. His mother showed the most tender care, but it was apparent that she was still concerned.

One of the last weeks the hospital was open, we decided to have a worship night/dance party on the dock. The nurses who were working that evening decided it would be fun to bring the patients and parents out on the dock to enjoy the festivities. One of my friends took Maurice into his arms and I grabbed his momma by the hand and brought her into the circle to dance. She looked over at Maurice, unsure if she wanted to leave his side. But, knowing he was in good hands, she gradually joined in the dancing. It was fun to watch the anxiety and stress leave her face as she began to let loose and dance. As the drums beat and the music played, a beautiful smile came across her face. It was the happiest I had ever seen her. Singing worship songs together, laughing, and dancing, we found ourselves as more than caregiver and nurse. We were friends and sisters in Christ. It was a very special time!

After many weeks, Maurice was finally able to be discharged from the hospital right as we finished the outreach and closed the hospital down. We were all sad to say goodbye, but grateful that he was well enough to finally go home.

Maurice is too cute not to snuggle

But across the room, Chara still had some treatment that she needed to receive. She was improving slowly, but not enough to go back to her home. Arrangements were made to transfer her to the local hospital upon the ship's departure. The day the hospital closed, we joined her and her Momma on the dock as she waved goodbye. We had spent so much time with her and Chara that it felt as though we were saying to a fellow crew member. They loaded into the Landrover and we waved goodbye, entrusting them into God's hands as they finished their treatment.
Goodbye Chara!

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