Saturday, July 31, 2010

Oh, how I hate goodbyes

Tonight, my heart is heavy. It has been a really strange week with this dreaded day approaching...the mass exodus. Between these last two days, there have been about 50-60 people that have left the ship...It's always a little hard going down to the dock and waving people's even harder when it's almost a fourth of our whole today, there is an emptiness...not just on the ship, but in my heart.

I have had to say goodbye to a lot of amazing people, some of whom live in countries I may never get to visit. It's always hard letting go of people. But, I think the hardest part of today was saying goodbye to Jen, my BSF (best ship friend...and no I'm not the only cheesy person that uses that abbreviation on the ship :)

Before I came to the ship, I prayed that God would give me one really close friend while I was in Togo...Jen was the answer to that prayer. Jen arrived on the ship one day before me....we got to know each other during the sail to Togo and somehow we just clicked. Soon enough, we were best of friends and pretty much inseparable. Some people called us twins...our names would get mixed up all the fact, even today, right after Jen left the ship, a friend of mine accidentally called me Jen.

I have to say that Jen is one of the best friends I've ever had. She's one of those people that I can trust completely and tell everything to without worrying about being judged for it. She's the kind of friend that I can let loose with and totally be myself around. She's the kind of friend who understands me...who can finish my sentences before the words come out of my mouth. Just the other day, we were having a conversation with some other people and both of us kept saying the same thing at the exact same time...She looked at me and said 'This is wierd' and we both just laughed about it.

You know you've found a great friend when you can spend the entire day working together, go to breaks and meals together, and then hang out after work and still not be sick of each other! It was kind of funny how a lot of times, if Jen and I hadn't seen each other one day, we would call each other or stop by each other's cabins...because we spent so much time together that a whole day was just too long to be apart! :)

Even though I know I haven't lost Jen as a friend, I still feel a sense of loss with her leaving the ship. Of course, I have some really amazing friends who are still on the ship with me...but, I don't have my best friend anymore. Jen told me I'll find another best friend, but I would have to disagree and say that she is irreplaceable...but she's going back to Chicago and I'm staying in Africa...So, I guess it's time for me to say another prayer for God to bless me with a good friend...he answered that first prayer far above what I ever anticipated and I know he is looking out for, Jen, even though I would prefer you to any replacement, I know God has other plans for you right now, so I suppose I'll send another prayer up...


Our Life said...

Im sorry you had to say goodbye to a good friend. God wont leave you empty handed, you'll get a new friend soon. You're always making new friends. I love you and miss you! Sorry I couldnt have a long talk the last time you called me. If you call me tomorrow I should be able to call you back and talk for a long while if you want to.

kathi said...

hey becca.... just catching up on your latest posts... you have had such an amazing journey.. and have been a blessing to so many. i miss your face! looking forward to the day we can hang out .. keeping you in prayer!!